What is Feeling Good Pilates about?

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What is Feeling good Pilates about?

You might be wondering what Feeling Good Pilates about and what makes us different to other Pilates studios and sites. We all have different personalities, likes and also moods. But one thing that we do have in common is how our anatomy works together. Our muscles, organs and especially how our insides effect ourselves interiorly and exteriorly. We might look different on the outside, but we are made with the same formula.

A lot of people out there might see, ‘feeling good’ as in a temporary energy boost emotional description. But I decided on the name with a slight twist to the meaning. I wanted the experience of Feeling Good Pilates to help people to deepen their mind and body connection to ‘feel good’ via changing their understanding of the relationship they have between their inner anatomical connections.

When we wake up in the morning and see ourselves in the mirror, we tend to focus more on the outlook of our bodies. I really hope that Feeling Good Pilates can help all of us wake up to feel and think of our body interiorly first, then connect it to our exteriors.