What are the Pilates Principles?

FGP Pilates principles

What are the Pilates principles?

Get to know what the Pilates Principles are and why it’s important with Feeling good Pilates to get the most out of your Pilates classes. Did you know that Pilates use to be called, ‘Contrology‘?

The principles of Pilates are what makes Pilates different to other types of exercises. Joseph Pilates, was a German physical trainer who invented Pilates – originally named, ‘Contrology’. He was a frail child, who suffered from rickets, rheumatic fever and asthma. The ailments led Joseph Pilates into the creation of, ‘Pilates‘.

The Pilates principles were actually created by his first-generation students. To condense Joseph Pilates theories in to 6 ideas, which allowed his method to accessible for everyone. Please note that there are still continuous debates on the 6 Pilates principles, which might be the reason why you might have heard few different principles.

You might be thinking, so which ones are the right ones to follow?  The main thing to keep in mind is that our science research in human anatomy will always be evolving. Although, Pilates method has always been modified and changing since Joseph Pilates first class in the 1920’s, the 6 basic Pilates principles has always remained faithful in majority of the Pilates repertoire, despite the continuous revolution in the scientific advances.

Come join us in the next blog to get more in-depth knowledge about each pf the Pilates principles with Feeling Good Pilates.

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